Why Winter Is The Perfect Time To Get New Pool Fencing

Why Winter Is The Perfect Time To Get New Pool Fencing

If you’re lucky enough to have a pool, there’s no doubt that it will be getting used in the hottest parts of the year to help cope with the intense Australian summer. If you’re thinking about upgrading your pool fencing, you want to do it at a time when you’re not using your pool a lot. Take a look at why winter is the perfect time to get new pool fencing.

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It won’t interfere with outdoor activities

With Australian summers easily reaching the 30s and 40s almost every single day, your home pool is likely to be well used over the summer months. The last thing you and your family want is construction work interfering with your swimming and relaxing. This is why winter is the perfect time to think about getting a new pool fence.

You can get better prices

You are likely to get a much better price on your new pool fence if you decide to get it put up in winter. It comes down to supply and demand. Because spring and summer tend to be popular for pool fence remodelling, contractors will raise their prices accordingly.

The costs for materials are also higher, which can account for the higher costs that are passed along to the consumer. During winter, however, not only are the prices of materials significantly lower, but many contractors will lower their prices to try and increase their business during the offseason. For anyone wanting to get new pool fencing, this makes winter the perfect time.

It will be ready for summer

Construction of any kind can be a lengthy process. If you start the construction on your new fence in the warmer months, you might not be able to use your pool until the fence is finished and will then have to wait for winter to pass as well. This could potentially put your pool out of use for a large portion of the year. If you get your fence constructed in winter, it should be finished just in time for the beginning of summer.

You can beat the rush

While pool fencing can be completed at any time of the year, a lot of people opt to get theirs done in spring and summer. Because of this, many contractors are booked to capacity and may not be able to take your job, or you could potentially have to wait longer than normal for your fence to be finished. Beat the rush and avoid the masses by organising your new pool fencing in winter. While others are rushing to book in contractors, your beautiful new fence will already be completed.

If you are planning on installing a new pool fence soon, we highly recommend getting it done in winter. Not only will you save yourself money, but your pool fence will be completed and ready to use by the time summer rolls around again and your pool gets put to good use. For help with your new pool fence, why not give us a call on 07 5479 0003? We’re looking forward to starting the project.