Benefits of Glass Shower Screens vs. Perspex Screens and Shower Curtains
5 reasons why you'll be glad you chose a glass shower screen
Your initial outlay for a glass shower screen may be higher than for other options such as perspex screens or simple shower curtains, but in the long run, a glass shower screen will pay for itself many times over. Here are some of the benefits of glass shower screens over perspex screens or even shower curtains.
1. Appearance
A glass shower screen simply looks better. The newer frameless and semi-frameless shower screens add a touch of class to your bathroom, making it appear bigger and brighter. With regular cleaning, the glass remains clear and sparkling, whereas perspex shower screens can very quickly graze and become dull with age. Shower curtains can look very untidy and even ugly too, particularly if they become mouldy due to infrequent cleaning.
2. Easy to clean
3. Durability
4. Light and space
5. Comfort, stability and quality
Get a quality glass shower screen
For high quality shower screens on the Sunshine Coast, contact Frameless Shower Installations today by calling 07 5479 0003.